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Lineage Documents

Kuniba Scroll clean_edited.jpg

   Above scroll was written by the late Shogo Kuniba, Soke Motobu Ha Shito Ryu, recognizing/supporting Albert C. Church Jr., as "Soke" (Head-Family) of the martial systems of Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo and Nippon Kamishin Ryu. (Translation provided by Guy Power, Sensei, Toyama Ryu / Nakamura Ryu Batto Do).


   Menjo(s) Below written by Shogo Kuniba, Soke for Albert C. Church Jr., for recognition/sponsorship. (A.) Seishinkan Sogo Budo Renmei recognition of Nippon Kobudo Rengokai. (B) Breakdown / Separation of Seishinkai and Seishinkan Sogo Budo Renmei.


(A)                                                            (B)

Seishinkan Kuniba recognition of Church'
Seishinkan Seishinkai structure_edited.j

  Kanban (below) was written by Shogo Kuniba, Soke for Albert C. Church Jr., Soke. Translation - Seishinkan World Karate-Do Federation, Kanagawa Prefectural Headquarters, Albert C. Church Jr., President (Kaicho). (Pictures with Church sensei and Kuniba sensei below).        


Menjo below were written by Ryuho Okuyama, Shodai-Soke, Hakko Ryu Jujutsu, recognizing the formation of the Kamishin Ryu Jujutsu, as well as a Hakko Ryu Jujutsu teaching authorization.

Below Menjo are pictures of Church Soke with Okuyama Shodai-Soke and Collins Soke with Okuyama Nidai-Soke. 


Hakko Ryu Okuyama spnsorship of Kamishin
church  okuyama 2 small.jpg
Hakko Ryu certificate 1 small_edited.jpg
Collins Okuyama bw small.jpg

Above "cut out" of NKR/KSKI system structure document, hand written by Albert C. Church Jr., named Harold Martin as 2nd Generation "Kaicho-Dai" (President Elect) of the Nippon Kobudo Rengokai and head-master over the Shorinji Tetsu Kempo and Nippon Kamishin Ryu, April 26th, 1977. Church sensei originally named Harold Martin as "Soke-Dai" (Head-Family Elect) of Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo and Nippon Kamishin Ryu in 1969, after returning from Japan. In 1978, Harold Martin was named Soke-Ni (2nd Head-Family) of Kamishin Ryu Karate-Jutsu, after all Soke-Dai positions in the Kai were rescinded. 

DC Soke Kaicho.jpg

Above menjo issued by Harold Martin, Dai-Soke, Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo / Nippon Kamishin Ryu, naming Darrell Collins, as the next generation Head-Family of Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo, Nippon Kamishin Ryu and next generation president of the Nippon Kobudo Rengokai on May 11th, 2006. Collins Soke has since changed all naming conventions to Shinshin Ryu and the organization to Kokusai Shinshin Bugei Renmei to fully separate his teachings from any other system teaching the arts passed down from Church sensei.

Dan Grade Menjo Below for Darrell Collins, Soke as listed


 A. Judan 10th Degree Black Belt - Nippon Kamishin Ryu Karate-Jutsu Aug 25th, 2015

 B. Boxer Level 3 / Sijo - Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo (Shaolin Si Tie Chuan Fa) Aug 25th, 2015

 C. Judan 10th Degree Black Belt - Nippon Kamishin Ryu Jujutsu Nov 22, 2016

 D. Kudan 9th Degree Black Belt - Shorinji Ryu Kempo-Karate / Dentokan Aug 12th, 2015

 E. Sigung 8th Degree Black Belt - Tei Nei Chuan Jan 1st, 2015



  (A)                                                              (B)

Judan Certificate (1).jpg
Shorinji Tetsukempo Certificate.jpg

   (C)                                                            (D)

NKR Judan Jujutsu_edited_edited.jpg
Dentokan Menjo.jpg


TNC 8th Dan.jpg

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