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 Ancient History



 Shaolin Si Tie Chuan Fa (Young Forest Temple Iron Fist method) is the name of our system founded in the Henan (Honan) province of North-Central China in 1377, during the Ming Dynasty. This system of martial application was based upon fist/foot techniques and the long staff, in association with the monks of the Shaolin Si (Young Forest Temple). 

   The Shaolin Si Temple was located about 40 miles from the city of Louyang (Lo-Yang) on the mountain of Songshan. The temple was isolated from the main stream of life at the time when Manchu tribes invaded and overran most of China (circa 1640's). It is believed that a number of warlords went to this temple to hide from the Manchu armies and to form a resistance effort. 

   As the monks of the temple were peaceful, they offered no resistance to the warlords. In turn, the warriors caused no harm to the monks. The warlords organized a school of fighting arts based on the knowledge they had gathered throughout their lives and taught their methods of fighting to young men who also wished to resist the Manchu rulers. The warriors also began to take up the teachings of the peaceful monks and their manner of dress. These monks traveled from one temple to another, across China. Soon the warrior monks began to travel with the peaceful monks, in part to serve as protection for them, and as a cover to go to other temples and cities to spread their knowledge. 


Chen Lineage


   With certainty, the lineage of this art can be traced to one of it's headmasters as far back as 1679, during the Qing Dynasty, in the Chen village to a man named Yon Ho Chen. When he passed away in 1751 the leadership of the art of Shaolin Si Tie Chuan Fa (also known at this time as Shaolin Si Chen Ba Chuan Fa - Young Forest Temple Chen Family Eight Fist Method), was passed to his son, Lee Ho Chen. Lee Ho Chen died in 1814 passing the art to one of his senior students, a master named Lee Chi Wang. 


Wang Lineage


   Lee Chi Wang is accredited with moving the art from China to Korea when he settled in Ingea Village, central Korea (likely located in the modern Pyongyang City area). Here he blended the external "Iron Fist" art with the native Korean art of Taekkyon, (jump/kick and fist methods). In Korea the art was called So Rim Sa Cheol Kwon Bup (Korean pronunciation of Young Forest Temple Iron Fist method).

   Lee Chi Wang died in 1881, leaving the leadership of this art to his son, Kim Chi Wang, who studied the art under senior students of his father as well as, Korean Taekkyon, Tang Soo Do/Kong Soo Do and Judo/Jujutsu methods brought to Korea during the Japanese occupation (1919-1945).

   Master Wang eventually settled in the are known as Yong Dong Po, near the present capital city of Seoul, South Korea and later trained in the newly formed Chang Moo Kwon arts as well.

   The inherited Chinese fist forms were blended with the other martial arts practiced by Master Wang, in varying degrees, into a somewhat strong system of self-defense. 

   This style moved to Japan, Mishima-shi, Shizuoka-ken, in 1956. when Wang sensei (Kim Chi Wang used his Japanized name, Kin Ki-Oh in Japan) sought medical treatment, which was not available in the battle torn Korean nation. In the Japanese language the system was called Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo (The kanji for Iron Fist is Tetsu-ken, but in the Japanese language Tetsu-Ken is read as Tekken).


Shinshin Ryu Modern History


    Albert C. Church, Jr., sensei, already an accomplished martial artist, began training in So Rim Sa Cheol Kwon Bup (Do)** in Korea while stationed there for the Korean War in 1950. At this time the system was a small self-defense discipline similar to modern Hapkido. Church sensei earned the equivalent to a Sandan (Roughly Boxer Level Two) in So Rim Sa Cheol Kwon Bup before returning to the U.S. in 1952.

   ** NOTE: The art of So Rim Sa Cheol Kwon Bup has also been known as So Rim Sa Cheol Kwon Do. Some of the reason for this change was attributed to the Japanese occupation of Korea in 1910, effectively stopping the teaching of all Kwon Bup styles in Korea at that time.  

   In 1962, Harold Martin began training under Church sensei in his Shaolin Si Tie Chuan Fa, and Jujutsu being taught by Church sensei at that time. 

   In 1964, Church sensei began to teach Motobu Ha Shito Ryu and Hakko Ryu Jujutsu, under the Hakko Ryu Martial Arts Federation (HMAF). 

   In 1967, Church sensei named his senior-most student, Harold Martin as Dojo-Cho (Chief Instructor) and left the daily running of the school to him. Church sensei then traveled back to Japan at the request of Ki-Oh sensei to once again train directly with him. Then in a surprise move, Ki-Oh sensei, due to personal illness and inability to continue teaching his discipline, officially appointed Church sensei as his lineage successor "Soke-Dai" (Inheritor-Elect).

   During this time period (1967-1969), Church sensei also trained with Ryuho Okuyama, Shodai-Soke - Hakko Ryu Jujutsu, Teruo Hayashi, Kaicho - Seishinkai, and Shogo Kuniba, Soke, in his inherited art, earning the rank of Godan and the Shihan title in Motobu ha Shito Ryu, Godan/Shihan in Seishinkan Jujutsu, and Sandan in Mugai Ryu Iaido (Kuniba Ha). 

   Kuniba sensei was allowed by Church sensei to review his Densho (scroll of succession) and decided to personally sponsor Church sensei, and his formally awarded discipline of Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo-jutsu before the Zen Nippon Karate-Do Renmei in order to ensure world-wide recognition. 

   In 1968, as per the Seishinkai Shihan Committee, Kuniba sensei prepared a SCROLL recognizing..."Nippon Kobudo Kamishin Ryu, Soke, Albert C. Church...", and a license as the founding president (Kaicho) of the martial ways organization named Nippon Kobudo Rengokai. The term Kamishin (Shinshin) Ryu was derived by Yasuhiro Konishi, Soke, Shindo Jinen Ryu, from the scroll of succession and added to receive acceptance as a "Japanized" martial system, and presumably to not be confused with the more popular Shorinji Kempo arts. Ko-Budo in this text means "ancient martial ways". All techniques utilized in the three Shinshin Ryu styles were built from the Motobu Ha Shito Ryu blended with parts of the Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo system (Karate-Jutsu), Yoshin Ryu, Daito/Hakko Ryu (Aiki-Jujutsu), Taira Shinken Bo (Staff) blended with Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo Staff (Bang) methods (Bo-Jutsu), and Sword techniques of Mugai Ryu (Kuniba Ha) Iaido into the Ryugi of Buki-Jutsu (weapons) now known as MUGAI HO SHINSHIN RYU IAIJUTSU.

   During this time (1967), Thomas Brandon began training under Church sensei in Japan in his martial arts as well as Military combatives.

   In May, 1969, Church sensei returned to the United States where he promptly set forth to develop the organizational structure of the Nippon Kobudo Rengokai.

   Church sensei named Harold Martin sensei as his Ichi Bon Deshi (#1 Student) and Soke Dai (Next Generation Head Family / Inheritor in Waiting) of both Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo and Nippon Kamishin Ryu. This was done since Church sensei had no son to leave his inherited art to (at the time). Church's soon-to-be son in law, Robert Kelly and Thomas Brandon were also named as Soke-Dai(s) (Next Generation Head Family / Inheritor in Waiting), which began the Ryugi division break-up of the system into teaching factions (Ha). The Ryugi passed to Soke-Dai Thomas Brandon in 1970 was considered a sub-style of the inherited Shaolin system called, at this time, Shaolin Si Tie Chuan Fa (Ki-Oh Ha) and was developed by Church sensei and Brandon sensei into a Chinese based system of self-defense including Chin-na grappling techniques and arresting measures for Law Enforcement and Military, as well as various ancient and modern weapons up to and including fire-arms. 

   In 1975, Soke-Dai Thomas Brandon was also named as Fuku-Kaicho (Vice-President) of the Nippon Kobudo Rengokai, as well as Soke-Dai (Inheritor-Elect) of the Shorinji Kempo-Jutsu Hissho Ryu.

   In 1976, due to family disagreements concerning the divorce and re-marriage of Church sensei, Robert Kelly was dismissed from the organization and all appointments within the Kai were rescinded. 

   In Apr. 1977, Church sensei named Harold Martin as Kaicho-Dai (Next Generation President) over the Nippon Kobudo Rengokai which includes the arts of Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo (aka Shaolinji Karate Do Nippon Tetsu-Ken Ryu (Young Forest Temple China Hand Way Japan Iron Fist Style)) and Nippon Kamishin Ryu (This fact is not only documented, but witnessed by the senior instructors who were still active at that time, and at the appointment Kai meeting (Apr 1977)). At this time, Church sensei created his Kamishinkai International (KSKI) and taught his personal art of Kanda Ha Kamishin Ryu (Some people still debate over KAI STRUCTURE DOCUMENTS provided but they all ignore the testimonies of the senior instructors present during the reconstruction of the Kai).

   In Aug. 1977, Church sensei named Harold Martin sensei as SOKE-NI (aka Nidai Soke) of Kamishin Karate-Jutsu Ryugi, and named Thomas Brandon sensei as SOKE-NI (aka Nidai Soke) of Kamishin Kempo-Jutsu Ryugi. These appointments moved Martin Soke and Brandon Soke from the Soke-Dai (Inheritor in Waiting) position(s) in the Kai to being given their inheritances and released to begin building their own Lineages.

   Between 1977 and the death of Church sensei (1980), the KSKI organization went into a severe time of reorganization. One letter was put out by Church sensei in Jan 1979, stating that Harold Martin resigned from the (KSKI) Organization, and also noted that all official KSKI SOKE-DAI positions were rescinded within the RYU. The resignation portion was disputed by Martin sensei and he was "reinstated" (although any such documentation showing this would have long been "lost"). Both Martin sensei and Brandon sensei's position of SOKE-NI were already given, as well as their positions of Kaicho and Fuku-Kaicho (respectively) of the Nippon Kobudo Rengokai were never rescinded. After this disputed document (being passed around today by others trying to discredit Martin and Brandon sensei), we have ranking certificates and documents written by Church sensei and Martin sensei showing Martin sensei still active in the Organization up to and after Church sensei's death.

   In June 1980, Church sensei un-expectantly died, and the art of Kamishin Ryu went into a further time of disarray. At this time, Catherine Church , Church sensei's second wife, kept all of Church sensei's Scrolls and Menjo and proclaimed herself as the new "Soke" of "Kanda Ha" Kamishin Ryu. Catherine Church later (Nov 1980) acquired a letter of recognition as Kaicho (President) of the Kanda Ha Kamishin Ryu from Shogo Kuniba, Soke, Seishinkai. Kanda Ha means "Church's Sect" and was considered to be the personal art Church sensei was creating separate from the other Ryugi.         

   Harold Martin left the KSKI organization in Nov. 1980, as to no longer associate with the KSKI, now controlled by Catherine Church, and began teaching his art on a case by case basis as Kaicho (President) of his inherited NKR organization. Thomas Brandon continued developing his lineage as passed to him from Church sensei, teaching law enforcement and Military personnel throughout the 1980's and 1990's. 

   In 2002, Darrell Collins became the personal student under Harold Martin, Soke, and by the summer of 2003, became Soke-Dai (Inheritor-Elect) of Martin Soke's martial system.

   In 2006, Harold Martin named Darrell Collins as the inheritor (Sandai Soke) by lineage succession of his system which includes his teachings of the Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo as well as the Nippon Kamishin Ryu.

   In 2016 Harold Martin, Dai-Soke passed away.

   In 2017, Thomas Brandon also named Darrell Collins as the Inheritor-Elect (Soke-Dai) by lineage succession of his system of Shorinji Tetsu-Kempo Ryuha (Ki-Oh Ha), thus giving Collins Soke two distinct lineage systems passed from Church Soke by lineage succession. Later in 2017, Collins Soke signed and sealed a document of lineage succession, naming his eldest son, Joshua Collins as the lineage Inheritor-Elect (Soke-Dai) of the Shaolin Si Tie Chuan Fa and Shinshin Ryu system(s).

   The documents of succession from Church sensei, as well as current lineage succession paperwork are on file at the Shinshin Ryu Hombu Dojo. 

   As you can see, the art of "Kamishin Ryu" has a past filled with changes and divisions as do most arts when it's head-master dies prematurely. Unfortunately some of these divisions and factions continue to this day.


Kokusai Shinshin Bugei Renmei


   The Kokusai Shinshin Bugei Renmei (Divine Heart Federation - International) was created by Darrell Collins, Soke, in 2017 based on the previous Nippon Kobudo Rengokai, to act as a "covering" organization of his inherited arts. The naming convention of Shinshin is a more traditional way of saying Divine Heart, and further separates these teachings from others who are teaching the arts as passed from Church sensei. The KSBR has several active instructor level seniors, who were trained by Church sensei and Martin sensei, acting as a Kai Instructor board. The Senior Technical Advisors are Thomas Brandon, Tai-Sijo (Inheritor), Kioh Ha Shorinji Tekken Ryu and Fuku Kaicho (Vice-President) Kokusai Shinshin Bugei Renmei, Tony Annesi, Kaiso (Founder), Takeshin Budo - Bushido Kai, John Stover, Kaiso (Founder) Su Lum Fa - Shaolin Kempo-Karate Federation, Ron Cherry , Kaiso (Founder), Shorinji Toraken Ryu - AKKA, Michel Hawi, Sijo (Inheritor), Tai Nei Chuan, Timothy Raynor, Sijo - Hanshi, Fu Jowel Pai and Kaiden Shihan Gil Adams, Sandaikichu, Hakko Ryu. 


   View all Scrolls of Shinshin Ryu and Menjo of Darrell Collins, Soke by clicking LINK.

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